Mileage Increases From Ride Service Trip Growth
Figures shown are increases in mileage; 120 percent to 180 percent growth represents between a doubling and tripling of mileage.
Ride-hail growth doubles or triples vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for three reasons:
- Added mileage between dropping off passenger(s) and starting the next trip (3 miles per trip);
- Most ride-hail passengers would have used public transit, walked, biked or not made the trip if ride services were not available. These miles are all "new" miles.
- Most trips involve one or more persons traveling together in which cases there are no efficiencies from strangers riding together.
Methodology: Based on 63 percent of mileage being with passengers and 37 percent between trips; 40 percent of ride-hail passengers would have taken own vehicle or taxi if ride-hail were not available, and level of pooled rides shown. Suburban scenario assumes 90 percent of ride-hail users would have used their own motor vehicle, and 10 percent of trips are pooled. See: The New Automobility: Lyft, Uber and the Future of American Cities