Large City Transportation Issues
America's large cities play a vital role in the nation's economy and its
transportation network. The Final Report the federally funded Large
City Technical Exchange and Assistance Program explores critical large city
transportation issues concerning interjurisdictional cooperation in traffic
management, sharing of fiber optic networks, and walkable cities. It
represents an important step in addressing the vital role of large cities
in the nation's transportation system and is the first research effort of
its nature.
This study was conducted by the
Rudin Center for
Transportation Policy and Management at the
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of
Public Service at New York University. The study was conducted
for the Federal Highway Administration with the cooperation and support of
the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), which
represents the central cities of the nation's ten largest metropolitan areas.
The report contains in-depth analysis and case studies of three issues identified
by NACTO members as critical to large city transportation needs. The first
two case studies focus on inter-jurisdictional coordination of traffic management
and interagency sharing of fiber optic systems. These case studies reflect
the importance of cooperative, coordinated and shared efforts among city,
state and federal agencies with responsibility for urban transportation systems.
The report highlights a series of "lessons learned" in developing coordinated
and cooperative arrangements, particularly for the purpose of bringing the
benefits of ITS to the management and operations of transportation systems
in large urban areas.
The third topic, "Planning for Pedestrians in Large Urban Areas," recognizes
cities' re-emergence as centers of commerce, leisure activity and tourism,
and the growing importance of active downtowns to cities' economic fortunes.
The third chapter of the report is a practical resource detailing the experience
of large cities with a broad array of strategies, markings, devices and signage
conducive to high-volume pedestrian activity.
The report was researched and written by Bruce Schaller, Henry Peyrebrune
and Nancy Bower under the direction of Bruce Schaller, a Visiting Scholar
at NYU, and Lee Sander, Director of the Rudin Center.
This report and the ongoing exchange of information among transportation
professionals facilitated by the Large City program, advance the understanding
of transportation officials in managing the nation's largest and most complex
transportation systems.
We would welcome your comments on this report and suggestions for future
research efforts.
You can download the full report (1.1 megabyte pdf file) or each chapter
Report published November 2000